
mukadam herbals




MQHC is an indigenous Nigerian health and wellness center, that specializes in the use of well researched potent herbs to treat and manage a wide range of terminal and supposedly incurable diseases that afflict mankind.

For some years now, we have been able to modernize our remedies to caplets and dirt free powders and continue to invest more on research and development for the health and well-being of all.

In Africa and Nigeria in particular, where there are many cases of fake and substandard synthetic drugs in the open market, MQHC has stepped in to fill in the void of despair suffered by victims of drug resistant medical conditions with herbal drugs that act fast without fail.

Also, Painstaking research has enabled us to proffer 100% organic products sourced from plants and animals that have over the years been proven effective and key components of genuine Western medicines.

The Good news is that we at MQHC have been able to make inroads with an array of ground breaking ingestible products for the treatment of sexual health disorders, infertility among men and women,drug resistant HIV,STI/UTIs, herpes,syphilis,diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis,stroke, prostate enlargement and ovarian cyst to mention a very few.

At the MQHC out-patient clinics, we provide care that focuses on the physical and psychological state of the patient leaving no side effects but memories of relief.

You may ask how? Truth is this has been our calling for centuries starting as a vocation from our grand parents to this day with emperical evidence and astonishing results.

Our slogan was and still is ‘Total health restoration‘.

At MQHC, we forever remain grateful to almighty God the creator of everything for the wisdom he has given us which was passed down from generations of our ancestry to us today.

We believe it is God that does the healing through us and so our credits goes to him the most merciful.

As long as our patient does not have a compromised immunity, we have an effective herbal remedy to restore your health like it once was.

Look through our products, you could find one that is the solution you may have been looking for.